We Catch Up With Showjumper Aidan Lithgow on New Year Resolutions, and More

With everyone winding down for a relaxing holiday season, we decided to catch up with showjumper and commentator, Aidan Lithgow, for inside tips on products, training and setting resolutions for the new season. Although this year has not been the best for Lithgow due to injury, 2019 is looking much more promising due to a very promising line of horses, and the optimistic excitement of a new season.

Have you got any exciting plans for next year in terms of show jumping?

I have an exciting string of horses for next year so I am looking forward to seeing what they can do in the ring. We do the best we can and keep our heads down but it’s never wise with horses to plan too far ahead as anything can happen. Sure, we have goals as to where we see the horses come this time next year, but again, anything can happen.

What do you advise riders do to keep their horses fit, while also giving them a break, during the hot holiday season?

It’s important to give horses some down time when one can. I like to put mine out in the paddock over December and let them just be horses. The year-long demands of training and competition take a toll both physically and mentally, so a complete break is always a good idea. For older horses who need the exercise in order to retain fitness and mobility, a nice daily hack is a good idea.

What results have you seen through the use of our products?

I am a great fan of Stride. I use the Liquid See Vit E religiously on one of my horses as he ties up badly and without it he would be nowhere. I am also a huge fan of Neutralyte as well as Hemoboost. I see great benefits and differences in the energy levels and performance of my horses when on these products.

Why do you feel it is important to recommend our products to other riders?

I had a horse who had basically been written off with a myopathy. Stride’s Liquid See-Vit E has put him back in the ring and he is feeling better than ever. Without Stride, a promising career would have gone amiss. How many other horses are in the same boat, never seeing their potential because of niggly problems that can be resolved with the correct remedy? I think Stride’s products can make huge differences to the careers of many horses. I am a big fan.

What advice would you give riders for the upcoming season next year?

Fitness is key to longevity and to avoiding injury. Make sure the fitness and conditioning is there. Keep your horses healthy, fit and happy.

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